- Open up your wp-config.php file, either on your computer or your hosting site, depending on how you have your WordPress site set up.
- In the file go to the line that says, “/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */”. Above that line write, “define( ‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true );”.
- Go to your plugins and temporarily deactivate all of them.
- Go to your WordPress admin, and under tools you should now see an option called Network Setup.
- In Network Setup you will set a network title and network admin email.
- Press install.
- Backup your wp-config.html file and .htaccess file.
- Add the new code given to you for the wp-admin.php file under the line that you added in Step 2.
- Add the new code given to you for the .htcaccess file under the line that says “<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>” and before the line that says “</IfModule>
“. - Log back into your WordPress Admin.
- In your WordPress admin go to Settings > Network Settings.
- Configure the Network Settings how you like and save changes.
- In your WordPress admin go to the top-left, hover over My Sites > Network Admin > click on Sites.
- Click Add New Site.
- Enter a Site Address, Site Title, Language, and Admin Email.
- Click Add Site
- You should now be able to see/work on your new site under My Sites in your WordPress Admin.