Setting up a Multisite Network

  1. Open up your wp-config.php file, either on your computer or your hosting site, depending on how you have your WordPress site set up.
  2. In the file go to the line that says, “/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */”. Above that line write, “define( ‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true );”.
  3. Go to your plugins and temporarily deactivate all of them.
  4. Go to your WordPress admin, and under tools you should now see an option called Network Setup.
  5. In Network Setup you will set a network title and network admin email.
  6. Press install.
  7. Backup your wp-config.html file and .htaccess file.
  8. Add the new code given to you for the wp-admin.php file under the line that you added in Step 2.
  9. Add the new code given to you for the .htcaccess file under the line that says “<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>” and before the line that says “</IfModule>
  10. Log back into your WordPress Admin.
  11. In your WordPress admin go to Settings > Network Settings.
  12. Configure the Network Settings how you like and save changes.
  13. In your WordPress admin go to the top-left, hover over My Sites > Network Admin > click on Sites.
  14. Click Add New Site.
  15. Enter a Site Address, Site Title, Language, and Admin Email.
  16. Click Add Site
  17. You should now be able to see/work on your new site under My Sites in your WordPress Admin.

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